How 1,000 Skaters Helped Build the Ultimate Skating App

It all started with a simple idea…

Back in 2021, as a group of friends spread across Denmark and Ukraine, we found ourselves united by a common passion: roller skating. What began as casual catch-up calls soon transformed into something much bigger. We had a vision—to create an app that would connect skaters worldwide, help them find local skate spots, and share their skating journeys.

But we knew we couldn’t do it alone.

If Let’s Roll was going to be a success, it needed to be built with the community. So, before we wrote a single line of code, we asked a simple question: “What do you, as skaters, really need?”

The survey that shaped Let’s Roll

We sent out a survey to over 1,000 skaters, asking them about their experiences, their challenges, and what they loved most about skating. The results were eye-opening.

Fun was the number one reason skaters roll.
From kids in the park to adults finding joy after a stressful day, skaters repeatedly told us that the freedom and fun of skating kept them coming back.

One respondent put it best: “It’s the one thing that makes me feel like a kid again.”

But while skating was a source of joy, skaters also shared some real challenges.

“I want to skate, but I can’t find anyone near me.”
This was one of the most common frustrations. Many skaters said they struggled to connect with others locally, often skating alone despite knowing there were others nearby.

For us, this feedback was gold. The community was telling us exactly what was missing—and it was up to us to build it.

Turning insight into action

Based on what skaters shared, we went back to the drawing board. We knew that creating connections had to be at the heart of Let’s Roll.

So, we developed two key features:

  1. The Locals Feed – A place where users can see who’s skating near them. Instead of skating alone, you can easily find and connect with skaters in your area.
  2. The Discover Map – A community-driven map that shows the best skate spots, based on real skater activity. From smooth asphalt trails to the local skatepark, the app lets you find the most popular spots wherever you are.

But it wasn’t just about the tech. One of the biggest takeaways from the survey was how inclusive and welcoming the skating community is. Skaters of all backgrounds, body types, and skill levels said that roller skating gave them a sense of belonging—a place where everyone could join in. This spirit of inclusivity became a core value in the way we built Let’s Roll.

A community-driven project

What makes Let’s Roll special is that it was never just our project—it’s always been a collaboration with the global skating community. As we beta-tested the app, we kept asking for feedback and tweaking features based on what skaters told us.

And the response was incredible. At every stage, the community showed up—whether it was cheering us on at events like Skate Love Barcelona, or volunteering their time to test new versions of the app. With every update, we’re working to make Let’s Roll the ultimate tool for skaters to connect, learn, and roll together.

What’s next for Let’s Roll?

As we look to the future, our mission remains the same: to create an app that brings the roller skating community together. We’ve built Let’s Roll based on your stories, your challenges, and your love for skating—and we’re excited for what’s next.

Whether you’ve been skating since childhood or just laced up your first pair, we’re here to make sure you never roll alone.

Let’s keep rolling, together. ❤🛼🌈
— The Let’s Roll Team