Our biggest Android update yet 🤖

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  • Our biggest Android update yet 🤖

    Skate friends, commenting, and much more

    Hey, there skater!

    Thank you so much for helping us test Let’s Roll for Android. We are still busy catching up to the iPhone version, but this week we are taking a big step in that direction.

    Let’s Roll 0.5 is available now, and here’s what’s new:

    • The Friendship system is ready – you can now find and add skate friends when you visit other skaters’ profiles
    • Commenting is supported. You can now comment on other skaters’ sessions and respond to their comments on yours
    • Notifications are available. Check the notification icon in the top right of the app to see comments and requests from other skaters
    • Lots and lots of small improvements and bug-fixes

    We hope you will like the new version, and continue to give us feedback and input so we can make it even better.

    Keep Rolling,

    – The Let’s Roll Team

  • We are live on the App Store 🥳

    – and we could not have done it without you 🙏

    Almost two years in the making, we are now finally ready to come out of beta. Thank you so much to all of you who helped us get here. Now go get that App!

    Keep Rolling,
    – The Let’s Roll Team

  • We need those 🌟s

    Please help us bring Let’s Roll to the top 🙏

    Hey, there skater! We just launched Let’s Roll into the AppStore last week, and now we really need your help.
    We could not have done it without you and the other beta testers believing in us, and we want as many skaters as possible to join you. That will be much easier if we have some reviews which show that we are the real deal. Please help us by:

    We are counting on you!

    Keep Rolling!

    -The Let’s Roll Team

  • The new version is out 😍

    Let’s Roll 1.4 is safer and easier than ever

    This week we are launching Let’s Roll 1.4 to our beta community. The primary goal of this release has been to add more safety to our social functions and polish off the usability of the recently released friendship system. Here is what we did:

    All skater profiles now have a special section for seeing the friends you have made in the Let’s Roll App and the friends of other profiles. Hopefully, this will inspire even more connections between skaters and make it easier for you all to keep track of your skatefam.

    The notification icon now shows an “unread” indicator to help you know when you have incoming messages or friend requests.

    And we have added functions to both the post and the skater profile that allows you to respectively report objectionable content that other skaters are posting as well as block specific skater profiles whose messages you do not want to see. This will help keep our community safe as we go to the App Store this month.

    Other changes in 1.4

    • Skate sessions on the community or friend feed now show the first part of their description directly in the feed
    • Placeholders for broken notifications
    • Implemented pull-to-refresh for any users page
    • Removed birth date from the “My Profile” page
    • Tons of bug-fixes and improvements

    Didn’t update to the latest version of Let’s Roll yet? Open Testflight to get rolling!

    Keep Rolling!

    – The Let’s Roll Team

  • Thank you for rolling with us!

    We can’t say how stoked we are that you have been rolling with us through 2022. Its been one heck of a journey, and we have a long way to go in 2023 -but you helped us get to where we are today by beta-testing the Lets Roll App. We hope you will feel like rolling with us again in 2023 – its only going to become a more exciting ride from here.

    Not Beta testing the Let’s Roll App yet? Click the button below to join!

    Happy New Year! – The Let’s Roll Team 

  • Skating less during winter? 🥶

    It sucks when it’s wet and cold

    If you are located in the Northern hemisphere you are probably struggling to keep your skating going these days, and your Let’s Roll sessions are becoming further in between.

    But that’s no reason to lose touch with your local skate community. Why not share an update on your latest bearing tuning experiments or how great you look in the new skates your gonna get for Christmas?

    Let’s Roll 1.3 adds a new concept to the app: Posts allow everyone to share a simple text and image update with the community without having to GPS record a session. It’s great for those days when the weather is against you – and it also works if you just forgot to record your session and still want others to see it.

    Here is how it works:

    Oh yeah – and we also fixed a LOT of bugs 🕷 – did you have problems saving session or getting inaccurate tracking? It should be fixed now, and if it’s not we really hope you will help us find out 🙏

    Already got the Let’s Roll App? Jump into Testflight and get it updated. Didn’t install yet? Press the button bellow and get rolling:

    Keep Rolling!

    – The Let’s Roll Team

  • Ready to build your skatefam?

    Let’s Roll 1.2 is here to help!

    It’s been months in the making, but we are proud to finally release a new update to the Let’s Roll App. Read all about it below or watch the short recap video.

    Find new skate friends

    You can now send a friendship request to your favorite skaters. If they accept you will get their sessions in a special feed under the home tab so you can always keep up to date with their skating.

    Get notified when your friends are skating

    Whenever a skater that you are friends with shares a new session you will automatically be notified. This way you will always know what is going on!

    New notifications and notification screen

    To keep track of the increasing number of messages, we are also adding a new notification screen so you can see all your notifications in one place.

    Keep your account or your sessions “friends only”

    Safety and privacy are some of our most important priorities in the Let’s Roll App, and the friend system now opens the possibility to let you decide exactly who sees which part of the content you are sharing. You control this setting for your entire account, or even on a session-by-session basis.

    Ready to update? Just open TestFlight and go!
    Don’t have the Let’s Roll App yet – click a button to join now:

    Keep Rolling!

    – The Let’s Roll Team

  • Let’s Roll 1.1 is our smoothest ride yet 😎

    We hope you’re gonna like it

    Hey there! First of all, thank you so much once again for helping us test the Let’s Roll App. We really appreciate it. Secondly – we know that it’s been a little while since our last update, but we had some big complex projects we had to tackle to move on, and we are now finally ready to share them with you.

    Let’s Roll 1.1 focuses on a number of core functions that we wanted to put in place to pave the way for future improvements. Here’s what’s new:

    Recording activity indicators

    • When a session is in progress Let’s Roll will show a notification on the lock screen reminding you about it to make sure you finish the session when you stop skating
    • While you are in the app, if a session is ongoing, you will see a activity indicator in the form of a small rollerskate around the notch ( iPhone 14 ) or a spinning LR button ( all other phones )

    New session recording logic

    • You can now minimize a session in progress and continue to use the app while in a skate session. To reopen the session, simply tap the LR button
    • We now record GPS data locally while the session is in progress, and only upload it at the end. This means that you should not worry about the quality of internet connection while you are skating

    Delete multiple sessions

    • It is now possible to select and delete multiple sessions from you profile by tapping and holding a session

    Bigger updates are coming soon

    1.1 is mainly a technical foundation for all the exciting stuff we are planning, and we hope to be able to put out the next major update to Let’s Roll already later this month. So stay tuned. Meanwhile, let’s get you updated so you can take 1.1 for a roll:

    Keep Rolling!

    – The Let’s Roll Team

  • The Androids are coming 🤖

    Take us to your Skate Spot!

    First of all: Thank you so much for your patience. During the last few months, you signed up for Let’s Roll App – but we had to tell you to wait since our Android app is not ready for testing yet.

    Today we are finally ready to reveal what has been a stealth project of ours for the last 6 months. The Android version of Let’s Roll is really taking shape, and we feel confident that we will be able to share it with you before the end of the year. Check it out:

    Wanna make sure you see it when we do release it? We will be mailing out – but we also recommend signing up on to follow us on your favourite social media – this way there is a better chance we won’t miss you when the time comes:

    Keep Rolling!

    -The Let’s Roll Team

  • Are you at Skate Love Festival?

    If so, we got some swag for you 🧦👕

    This year, the Let’s Roll Team is back at Skate Love Barcelona – and on Sunday we have a tent in the market where we will be giving away a lot of socks to everyone that has signed up for the Let’s Roll App and comes by our tent. So if you are there, make sure you pay us a visit, and we will get you a pair of super cool LR socks, stickers and the opportunity to win cool prizes including T-shirts and skate gear.

    We also really want to take this opportunity to meet our users, get your feedback and ideas for the Let’s Roll app and hear about your experience as a roller skater in general.

    And if you don’t know about Skate Love Barcelona, or you did not have the opportunity to go this year – take some time to check out this amazing event, and consider going next year. We cannot recommend it enough: https://www.skatelovebcn.com/

    Hope to see you on Sunday!

    – The Let’s Roll Team